Welcome to CRISAN | Crisan Hair

Welcome to CRISAN

gorgeous long hair

The Selva family

the selva family hair

Heys Guys! You may know us from our Instagram Page: @theselvafamily. My name is Ariana and I am the mother of four amazing children: Sarah (7), Indrani (4), Rigdon (2), & Celeste (0), and the wife of an incredible man named Jett.

Jett and I have been married for almost nine years and we love this amazing world and the people in it! We love to take care of our hair & skin, and we follow a very healthy lifestyle. Our family is excited to have you here and we look forward to providing you with tips & tricks that will benefit you and your loved ones! 

You are probably here because you noticed that our family has hair that is very different than what you may be used to seeing. Our hair is thick and quite long - but it hasn't always been that way. Four and a half years ago, soon after the birth of our second daughter Indrani, I experienced what most women experience three months after giving birth - Postpartum Hair Loss.

Losing hair is a very difficult experience to go through, especially as a young mother. My hair was thinning so badly that I was beginning to have bald patches showing through on my scalp towards the crown of my head and around my hair line. During that time, my husband and I also made a major lifestyle change when we said goodbye to our home in Orem, Utah and moved to Sri Lanka for two years to build a coconut factory. It was that move, that changed my hair care routine forever.

My sweet husband is from Sri Lanka. He was born in Colombo and moved to the United States when he was just 17 years old to attend LDS Business College in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Sri Lanka is a gorgeous place full of tropical vegetation and an amazing place to learn about natural hair care. And Jett's mother is the perfect teacher.

I have had so many compliments on my hair and skin and it is all because of the lessons that my mother in law taught me. When Jett and I moved to Sri Lanka to build a factory, his amazing parents stayed with us every step of the way and beyond to help us accomplish our goals. Jett and his father worked side by side to establish a wonderful business while my mother in law taught me how to undo the damage that my hair had been through at home. 

jett's parents

Jett's mom is an amazing woman who is very fit and healthy and she taught me so much about taking care of my hair, skin, and health. The recipes that she taught me were beyond good. I started noticing results right away from following them.

My hair used to be lifeless and much shorter than it is now. It would never grow beyond a certain point. But when I followed her recipes, my hair was able to grow past it's breaking point and retain its thickness for many years. 

long hair rapunzel

I created CRISAN for a few of my Instagram followers who requested a way to incorporate a variety of pure hair oils in a convenient and easy-to-use way. CRISAN is a blend of 55 pure and organic oils of the utmost quality and purity and is specifically designed to enhance the integrity of your hair. Whether you are trying to grow your hair long, strengthen new growth, reduce hair thinning, or maintain the gorgeous hair you have, CRISAN will be your most vital companion in your hair growth journey. I have also created my favorite anti-aging facial oil and am excited for you to use it. CRISAN truAGE has 27 different organic oils that are of superior quality, cold-pressed, and unrefined. I use this oil remedy every night before bed on clean skin as a light mask and I also use it when removing my makeup. When you use it, consistently it will make your skin glow!


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I have 2 questions: 1. how often do I apply the hair oils? 2. Am I supposed to leave the oils in my hair and how do I get the oils out? So far I like your product.


what do you reccamend as far as styling gels to use? do you use anything? does the lady use one? can this be ok for gray hair? will the oils clog the drain?

jana kainz

I am an esthetician and I’ve always used pure organic oils on myself and my clients. I also suffered from hair loss when my son died 3 1/2 years ago. I have managed to regrow the areas that had alopecia, however I still have the break off at my ends due to it being so fine. I am going to try your product and I am happy to give you an honest review. The ingredients you use are wonderful! Thank you for sharing your story, you have a beautiful family.


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